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A one day retreat for young women 18-25

There is a becoming when you turn 18 and in to your 20’s that no one talks about.

A right of passage often layered with more pain than bliss. Working to navigate big emotions, big dreams, and big grief.

You walk into adulthood thrilled at the magic of it. Ready to embrace the excitement of independence.

And yet…the ebb and flow of the ups and downs feels like too much to navigate.

Why didn’t anyone tell me it would be like this?

Goodbyes that came to soon

Finding your “people” feels more like pressure than joy

Feeling through an onslaught of rejection

Thinking you know what your passion is only to wake up one day feeling empty

Looking around you and seeing everyone living their best life, and feeling like you’re falling more and more behind

That you’re doing life wrong.

That you’ve missed the right exit.

Feeling like you can’t find your footing

Feeling like you can’t find motivation to even start 

In this one day retreat, you’ll find a safe landing to navigate and explore what it means to fully embody your worthiness. What it means to receive, love, success, pleasure, joy, your dreams and to know deep in your bones you are deserving of it all. 

Unpack with us: 

Financial worth

Steadiness of ritual and routine 

Claiming what you desire in a relationship

How it feels to live in your skin 

The power of your choice 

Navigating self doubt and pressure 

Allowing yourself to boldly step into the arena instead of waiting on the sidelines for life to happen to you. 

This is Becoming - Orenda Women  18-25 year olds

June 1st 10-5pm @ ORENDA STUDIO

Lunch Included -140$

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A one day retreat for young women 18-25

There is a becoming when you turn 18 and in to your 20’s that no one talks about.

A right of passage often layered with more pain than bliss. Working to navigate big emotions, big dreams, and big grief.

You walk into adulthood thrilled at the magic of it. Ready to embrace the excitement of independence.

And yet…the ebb and flow of the ups and downs feels like too much to navigate.

Why didn’t anyone tell me it would be like this?

Goodbyes that came to soon

Finding your “people” feels more like pressure than joy

Feeling through an onslaught of rejection

Thinking you know what your passion is only to wake up one day feeling empty

Looking around you and seeing everyone living their best life, and feeling like you’re falling more and more behind

That you’re doing life wrong.

That you’ve missed the right exit.

Feeling like you can’t find your footing

Feeling like you can’t find motivation to even start 

In this one day retreat, you’ll find a safe landing to navigate and explore what it means to fully embody your worthiness. What it means to receive, love, success, pleasure, joy, your dreams and to know deep in your bones you are deserving of it all. 

Unpack with us: 

Financial worth

Steadiness of ritual and routine 

Claiming what you desire in a relationship

How it feels to live in your skin 

The power of your choice 

Navigating self doubt and pressure 

Allowing yourself to boldly step into the arena instead of waiting on the sidelines for life to happen to you. 

This is Becoming - Orenda Women  18-25 year olds

June 1st 10-5pm @ ORENDA STUDIO

Lunch Included -140$


A one day retreat for young women 18-25

There is a becoming when you turn 18 and in to your 20’s that no one talks about.

A right of passage often layered with more pain than bliss. Working to navigate big emotions, big dreams, and big grief.

You walk into adulthood thrilled at the magic of it. Ready to embrace the excitement of independence.

And yet…the ebb and flow of the ups and downs feels like too much to navigate.

Why didn’t anyone tell me it would be like this?

Goodbyes that came to soon

Finding your “people” feels more like pressure than joy

Feeling through an onslaught of rejection

Thinking you know what your passion is only to wake up one day feeling empty

Looking around you and seeing everyone living their best life, and feeling like you’re falling more and more behind

That you’re doing life wrong.

That you’ve missed the right exit.

Feeling like you can’t find your footing

Feeling like you can’t find motivation to even start 

In this one day retreat, you’ll find a safe landing to navigate and explore what it means to fully embody your worthiness. What it means to receive, love, success, pleasure, joy, your dreams and to know deep in your bones you are deserving of it all. 

Unpack with us: 

Financial worth

Steadiness of ritual and routine 

Claiming what you desire in a relationship

How it feels to live in your skin 

The power of your choice 

Navigating self doubt and pressure 

Allowing yourself to boldly step into the arena instead of waiting on the sidelines for life to happen to you. 

This is Becoming - Orenda Women  18-25 year olds

June 1st 10-5pm @ ORENDA STUDIO

Lunch Included -140$