Show up. Open Up. Rise Up.

When you first walk into Orenda, you’ll notice the energy and then you’ll notice the reminders sprinkled through the entire room. Reminders to dream, to be grateful, to stop trying to be perfect. Our favorite reminder is to show up, open up and rise up. To us, this is more than a reminder, it is a guide, the foundation on which we are built.

A lighthouse guiding you back home to yourself. 

Home, even after the worst storm. 

A lighthouse that guides us home too, a reminder that we are never alone on this journey. If we aren’t in the trenches with you, you will always have our hand in yours to guide you back.

So what does it all mean exactly? How do these principles become our practice?

Show Up: 

Your first instinct might be to believe that showing up means showing up for community, and it absolutely does. Deeper than that though, and before you can really show up for others you must show up for yourself. This is an invitation and reminder that the first step is arriving. It is following the nudge that is calling you into more, and then allowing showing up into that space to be enough, until you have the capacity for it to be more. 

Once you’ve mastered the art of showing up first, and your capacity has expanded…and a little before you feel ready, we lovelyingly and fiercely hold you as you open up. 

Open Up: 

Opening up is where the real magic happens. When we gather in community, allow our voices to be heard, to start as a whisper and progress into a roar as you start becoming. Becoming more of who you are.

Becoming who you have longed to be. Those nudges you have brushed away. Told yourself in another lifetime. Those are your truest self whispering to you that there is more for you, and the more we allow the space for us to open, to be vulnerable, to be safely held, the louder the calling gets and the harder the nudge is to turn away from. 

As humans we are wired for connection, we thrive in community. Shame cannot live in the light, when you share your truth, the words that have longed to be heard, shame dies. 

And when shame dies, you become. When you become, you’ll long to answer the deep innate calling to rise up. The calling that feels bone deep. 

Rise Up: 

This is our invitation to you, to answer the call, no matter how subtle. 

No matter what the calling is. 

It is allowing your truest self to be seen, heard, embodied, and loved. 

To be witnessed in your full power and in your weakest moments. To rise into your own humanness because when we can look at ourselves and those around us with loving compassion for our humanness, we heal the collective. 

The healing though, it starts with us.

It starts with our courage and our fears 

It starts with a deep breath and a shaky voice 

It starts when we take the leap and answer the inner knowing

From there, we shift and we rise. 


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