Why we still need the village: strengthening support systems for our children and youth

The saying “it takes a village” originated from an African proverb and resonates with us at Orenda. We believe that creating a secure and nurturing environment allows one to grow, regardless of age, and that this requires a collective effort of many which symbolizes the concept of “the village.” While we acknowledge the diversity faced by families today, we believe they should not have to navigate these adversities alone. We cultivate a positive space for children and youth by providing a multifaceted web of support. The power of oneself is found here through the combined efforts of others.

Intentional positive human-to-human interaction is a cornerstone of child-hood development. A significant shift in children and youth interactions today revolves around the use of smartphones. A 2018 report released by Media Smarts shows that 53%, aged 15 years and younger, have access to their own smartphone. Further, in 2022 the University of Calgary released the results of a study that demonstrates a correlation between increased screen time and poor habit formation.

Positive role models can shift negative impacts of screen time. Substantial evidence underscores the connection between strong, positive relationships and positive mental health and overall well-being. The importance of “the village” becomes evident. Strengthening connections both within and beyond the household creates a ripple effect. It lays the foundation for healthier and more resilient children and youth and emphasizes the need for a nurturing and supportive environment in shaping the trajectory of positive development.

At Orenda, we foster a safe and caring environment by promoting positive interactions and dialogue among peer groups. We have strong, caring adults who model the importance of acceptance and strive to build the foundational roots of one’s own internal compass of compassion and self-respect. We create a dynamic atmosphere and break down barriers of judgment of self and others. Individuals learn not only to appreciate their unique qualities but to also celebrate diversity. Each individual’s journey is valuable.

Supportive environments

Connection is a key ingredient of the Orenda experience. Connection to oneself, others, and the environment. To facilitate this connection, we create spaces where individuals feel safe, understood, and valued. We are patient in all of our interactions, and are curious about, and open to multiple perspectives.

Our programs are strategically designed to meet the diverse needs and ages of the youth they serve. Belonging is strengthened when we take a multifaceted approach. Parents feel good knowing that their children are being challenged in positive ways that will impact their lives for years to come. The results of this transcends into the community, creating a whole society of inclusivity and acceptance.

The role of relationships

Everyone carries a story that impacts their well-being. Nurturing relationships that allow youth to feel safe and supportive to express themselves. We believe that growth is an ongoing and transformative process. Through positive encouragement, understanding and accepting constructive feedback, and empowering youth to explore their full potential, we actively shape youth into confident and capable individuals. This mentorship fosters resilience, improves positive self-talk, and prepares youth to navigate life’s challenges.

Mindfulness, self-regulation techniques, and creative expression fosters emotional exploration and development in children and youth. Our strategies encourage emotional regulation and self-awareness, creating a space for individuals to navigate their thoughts and feelings effectively and supportively.


We all have a need to belong. We all have a need to authentically connect with ourselves and others. When we feel supported, we are more willing to take risks, remain open to change, and have a positive attitude towards difficult situations we may face. Strengthening one’s support systems increases one’s ability to take pause and reflect, see other’s perspectives, and understand that it is okay to lean on others in times of need. This creates a rip tide of positive change among youth who better support each other and actively work to build each other up rather than tear each other down.


Show up. Open Up. Rise Up.