Darryl Thomas Conroy

Board Member, Treasurer

Darryl is a dedicated Board Member and Treasurer who believes that it’s not the time spent, it’s the value you create. At an organization like Orenda, it is important that time and treasure are creating value for the participants. 

Now, you might be surprised to learn that Darryl actually has an engineering background - specifically civil engineering. He is no stranger to planning and designing buildings, when it comes to Orenda, he swaps out buildings to construct long-term relationships. He holds various certifications including: Leadership of Excellence, Respect in the Work Place, Past Chair Positions held with BILD Calgary, ARHCA and will be accepting a Board Position with Kids Cancer Care Foundation. 

Within the organization, he is known as the strong and silent type which is why it’s no surprise that internally he is most proud of supporting Jamie on the business and budgeting. Outside the walls of Orenda you may see pieces of Darryl; he has been part of developing 60% of the new communities in Calgary since 1997 and even made his way to the Rogers Arena in Edmonton (don’t worry - he is still a Flames fan!).

Looking ahead, Darryl plans to continue building and developing communities, both in the physical and emotional sense. Once he clocks out, he likes to spend his time with family, watching and playing sports, team building and enjoying that country lifestyle. 

Four Thigs You Might Not Know About Me

  • Share your favourite self-care ritual.

    Farm chores, these are simple…sometimes complex tasks that make one be committed 100% of the time… outdoors, pushing self to continue to learn, adapt and enjoy the time.

  • What's an unusual achievement you're proud of?

    I have been a part of two associations and leading their direction as the chair for over the past 15 years.

  • Name five things you love.

    My wife, Family, Outdoors, Hockey, successes/learning opportunities in life.

  • Share a book, movie, or song that has had a significant impact on your life and why.

    Top Gun, it was a pre warm up movie before hockey game and I find the story has a lot of meaning in it as one goes through life.

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