Michelle Briegel

Past President, Director on the Board

In the final stages of completing her Doctorate in Human Services, Michelle, has devoted much of our personal and professional journey to Orenda. As the past president, she served for XX years and now supports the Board as they continue to empower and mentor youth to live their authentic life through yoga. 

Michelle is associated with The Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta, the Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta, Mount Royal University, the Global Alliance of Relational Child and Youth Care Practice, and the Federation of International Child and Youth Care Educators (FICE Canada Chapter) which supports her role with Orenda and at Mount Royal University as a Certified Child and Youth Care Counsellor and an Associate Professor in the Department of Child Studies and Social Work. 

Carving a non-traditional path, Michelle works with young people dealing with anxiety, self-worth, self-confidence, self-expression and copying skills. She has thrown out the rules of 50-minute sessions and offers a mixed approach in her 1.5 hour session by using art, play, experiential and talk to connect. By creating sessions that are tailored to the youth’s style she is able to build trust and become an ally. Her work has influenced much of the philosophy at Orenda that we will continue to use.  

Bridging her academics and community work, she is most proud of her research as a published author. 

Four Thigs You Might Not Know About Me

  • Share your favourite self-care ritual

    Art journaling

  • What's your favourite season and why?

    Spring – the days are longer, the sun is shining, and there is new growth.

  • Describe a small, everyday moment that brings you joy.

    Sitting with a cup of coffee on a sunny morning.

  • What's a personal goal you hope to achieve in the next year?

    Complete my Doctorate

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