Jamie-Lee Conroy

Co-Founder, Executive Director, Mentor, and Facilitator at Orenda

In her multifaceted role, Jamie serves as the beating heart of Orenda, shaping the organization’s operational, functional, and opportunistic systems. Her journey with Orenda is more than a job; it's a commitment to leading, guiding, and creating opportunities for positive change. From managing day-to-day operations to driving program development and advocating for the organization's mission, Jamie is an impact setter, an extra lionhearted force propelling Orenda as a force for good.

With a Bachelor of Education and 12 years of experience, Jamie has worked with youth and communities across various projects, from the Inspired Youth School Project to the Boys and Girls Club of Calgary, as well as the NHPCA, the Chamber of Okotoks, CBE, and the Foothills School Division. She brings a wealth of knowledge to her role, enhancing it with her certification as a yoga teacher and life coach. Notable initiatives under her leadership include Orenda's Teacher Training and independent mentorship program.

Jamie’s work at Orenda is guided by the principle of challenging and loving simultaneously. Accountable and passionate, she develops programs based on community needs and foster growth by providing a safe, supportive environment. She takes pride in fostering strong connections that build trust among students, families, and staff. Whether creating spaces for growth, empowering students through graduations and mentorships, or speaking at youth mental health summits, Jamie consistently empowers individuals and contributes to community growth.

When people see Jamie, they say she represents, “There is no going back, only moving forward.” An authentic and grounded leader, she creates space for those around her free of judgment and expectation. She challenges her students to challenge themselves, knowing they are safe, heard, and supported. She envisions a future where personal and collective transformation, youth and family development, and community-building thrive. Through Orenda, Jamie serves as a committed advocate and catalyst for positive change, embodying love in every aspect of her life.

Beyond her work, Jamie finds joy in simple moments — the wind in her hair, spending time with her three kids, husband and animals on their 15-acre property, catching sunsets, indulging in daily physical movement, and sharing belly laughs with friends.

Four Thigs You Might Not Know About Me

  • Growth

    We embody the roles of both teacher and student, mentor and collaborator, cultivating a mindset of continuous learning, openness, and curiosity. We wholeheartedly embrace growth, including the discomfort it may bring, without judgment. We create a safe environment that nurtures growth, change, confidence, and healing.

  • Well-being

    We prioritize the holistic well-being of individuals, addressing their physical, mental, and emotional needs. We go beyond surface-level well-being, recognizing that true wellness is rooted much deeper. We firmly believe in the transformative power of movement, connection, and community to enrich our lives and our world

  • Authenticity

    We lead by example. By showing up as our authentic selves, we empower those around us to be vulnerable, honest, and imperfect. We believe that everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and loved for who they truly are, without artifice.

    Arrive as you are; we will meet you there.

  • Community-minded

    Community is the beating heart of our organization; our catalyst for growth, well-being, and authenticity. It transcends physical boundaries and resides within our collective mindset. Wherever we go, we strive to break down barriers, interact with intention, and foster a sense of safety that enables deep, meaningful bonds to form.

Find Your Voice,
Embody Your Journey

Discover Your True Self with Jamie Conroy

Resources for holistic well-being

Our blog is your dedicated resource for valuable insights and practical tips on enhancing the health and well-being of your family and community.